Maths - other strand:Time

WALT tell the o'clock times

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can recognise 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock...

Physical Education term 4

WALT bounce and catch a ball.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can bounce a ball once and catch it in our hands.

Integrated Learning Term 4

WALT know about sun safety.

SUCCESS CRITERIA  We can say what you need to do so that you stay safe in the sun. 


WALT count past 100.

SUCCESS CRITERIA WE can count 100,101,102,103.

Physical Education - Skipping

WALT skip forwards. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can turn the rope forwards and jump at the same time.


Mini Monets          

WALT use various materials to create art, hold a paintbrush and mix colours. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can use the brush and sponge to show a variety of techniques, show perseverance and care when finishing work.

STUDENT VOICE " I have used my paintbrush to make a painting like Monet did". 

Term 3 Integrated learning

WALT know what changes can we make to make to make our new playground and learning spaces more learner friendly? What designs /plans do we need to make?

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can design an object for a new playground or a new learning space at our school.  

STUDENT VOICE " I made a digger from lego that I could sit on in a new playground and pretend I was a digger driver".

Term 3


Easy Blog Photo

WALT leave spaces when we write. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We have left a gap after each word so that our writing is easy to read.

STUDENT VOICE " I know to leave a space after I write a word".

Reading Term 2

WALT find a full stop.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I know that this means I need to stop and take a breath.

STUDENT VOICE  I know what a full stop looks like and what it means.

Science Term 2

WALT how to make a good home for the worms.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We have ripped up paper and made it a moist mixture for the worms.

STUDENT VOICE " I know what you have to do to make a worm home". 

Maths Term 2

WALT count up to 15. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can count 1, 2, 3....  all the way up to 15.

STUDENT VOICE I can count in ones up to 15. 

Te Reo Term 2

WALT use Maori greetings.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use the greetings Tena Koe, Tena Korua and Tena Koutou.

STUDENT VOICE " I can say Hello in Maori". 

My Writing Term 2

WALT  do the letter a starting with a c and leave spaces between our words. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA: I have  a finger space between words. 

STUDENT VOICE "  I have a finger space after I do a word". 

Easy Blog Photo

Swimming Term 1

WALT float and swim. SUCCESS CRITERIA I can let my feet come up off the bottom of the pool. I can use my legs to kick and my arms to do freestyle.

STUDENT VOICE  "I can float and kick with my legs". 

Writing Term 1 2016

WALT think about the sounds in words.


SUCCESS CRITERIA: We can work out some of the sounds in words that we want to spell.

 STUDENT VOICE "I have written about going camping and I have tried to spell some words.